Monthly Archives: April 2024

The New Jedi – The Force Concept

We all want to know the answer to the question, “What is the meaning of life?” What if the answer was not so existential but to simply believe we exist to live out our lives in the pursuit of happiness and compassion from the greatest understanding of peace and love? And what if this were […]

The New Jedi: Who Are We?

We are born into this world already connected to the energies around us. As we grow, we have ideas put into us – who to be, how to think, what to believe, how to behave, what we are supposed to seek in life. We are told we need to impress someone, to make someone proud, […]

The New Jedi: Beginning the Journey

It all seems so fascinating, this idea of Jedi. Having amazing abilities and a laser sword that can cut through anything; zooming around the galaxy from one adventure to another to uphold peace and democracy. Who wouldn’t want to be like that? To be a humble hero of the common people, to master powers gifted […]