Browse through the font selections and download your own set. Free fonts obtained from other sites will show full credit to the creator. Videos will be posted soon demonstrating the font styles.

All V3 melt audio files have been fixed in these sets.

OB-1 Sabers Current V3 Set

Don’t forget to change the folder name to a number when you copy to your SD card.

Proffie instructions coming soon!

We have full instructions on how to set up your Xeno V3 soundboard and configure all of the files.

We have full instructions on how to set up your SNv4 soundboard and configure all of the files.

We have the SNv4 app user guide

Don’t forget to check the sound fonts page to get a full understanding of the config.ini file to edit your fonts.

Greyscale Fonts

pre-on edits by OB-1 Sabers
