Changing Sound Fonts

Here we list out the details involved with changing the sound fonts on your Xenopixel and SN soundboard. Once you have an understanding of the folder setup, it is quite easy to change and build your own for a unique style. we will have an entire page on the site with FREE sound fonts that we have collected or constructed. More will be added as time goes on.

Understanding Sound Fonts


You will notice all the folders on the SD card are numbered sequentially. This is to match the font settings in the config.ini file starting with Color-1=. Inside each folder is the wav file for each type of sound and they are also numbered sequentially. Here is a breakdown:

preon folder – not always used. This folder holds the sounds for any preon effects.

preon1 – a preon sound.

bgndrag (1) – sound used when drag begins.

bgnlock (1) – sound used when lockup begins.

bgnmelt (1) – sound used when drag begins.

blaster (1) – sound used when the button is tapped while the blade is on.

clash (1) – sound used when the blade is struck.

drag (1) – sound used when drag effect is used.

enddrag (1) – sound used when drag ends.

enddrag (1) – sound used when lockup ends.

enddrag (1) – sound used when drag ends.

font (1) – sound used to identify the font when cycling through.

force (1) – sound used when force effect is initiated.

hum (1) – sound used when the saber is idle and blade is on.

in (1) – sound used when the blade is turned off.

lock (1) – sound used when lockup is initiated.

melt (1) – optional sound used when drag is used.

out (1) – sound used when the blade is ignited.

spin (1) – sound used when the blade is swung repeatedly.

stab (1) – sound used when the blade is ignited with stab gesture.

swing (1) – sound used when the blade is swung.

swingh (1) – sound used when the blade is swung high.

swingl (1) – sound used when the blade is swung low.

track (1) – music track played when the feature is activated.

Note that not all of these have to used in every font. You only really need the main sounds for font(), in(), out(), hum(), swing(), clash(), and drag(). The rest are added features. The saber will still function without sounds at all but the folders still need to be on the SD card to match the font settings. It just won’t play any sounds.

You can use any sound you like as long as it is a .wav file and is named accordingly. You can also use as many as you like as long as they are numbered sequentially: font (1) font (2)… etc. The board will cycle through them.

It is best to back up your SD card first in case anything goes wrong so you can restore it if necessary. Create a folder on your computer to build your font files then copy them over to your SD card.


Basically the same process as the Xeno but with subtle differences. The sound files can be used between the two boards.

Make sure the replaced or added sound folder is in the following format:xxx (x).wav

Blast: blst (x).wav

Clash: clsh (x).wav

Drag: drag (x).wav

Font name display: font (x).wav

Hum: hum (x).wav

Font boot music: in (x).wav

Lock up music: lock (x).wav

Font off music: out (x).wav

Swing sound: swingh (*).wav swingl (*).wav

Bgm: track (*).wav