The New Jedi – The Main Objective

We are Jedi. We inspire, and we aspire to become more aware of the energies around us and of the living Force. The objective of the Force is to keep us in a constant state of balance. So we aim to do good and to achieve peace and harmony wherever we are, not for the benefit of self and not for the approval of others. We should only aspire to be better than who we were yesterday.

When we connect to the Force, we are guided. It speaks through us and lets us know where we are supposed to be. This is not giving up our freedoms for the Force works to benefit you as you work to benefit others. We still have the choice, but we either choose not knowing where the path leads and hoping for the best, or we choose the path we feel more confident about. We always want to know the outcome of the choice before we make the decision, but by listening to the guidance of the Force, it’s not that we actually know the outcome, it’s that we know the outcome will be what we need at that time. Learn to not be so attached to knowing the outcome of the choices we make.

In the fictional stories, Jedi are separated by titles of Padawan, Master, Council Member, which leaves some contradictions to the meaning and purpose. The fictional Jedi had a purpose to suit the story and little more. They existed in a time of war and never-ending conflict so their roles were defined as a means to an end. The Council interacted with the Senate and thus directed the Masters to solve conflicts. Padawans were instructed by Masters to learn the ways. It is a good system, to be sure, it suited the world the story developed. But Jedi were strongly encouraged to do only as instructed by the Council. The Council granted themselves the right to make the rules, in the belief they know best, and force generations of Jedi to follow them. That makes it a religion.

We exist in a different reality and though many of the principles and training of the fictional Jedi still apply, the actual application is vastly different. No one should feel like they have power or control over another, I don’t see this as how a universal consciousness would mean for things to be. Telling someone how the Force is to be interpreted is essentially taking away their individuality. How do we discover things on our own and be true to ourselves, or make our own choices and have the freedom to do so when we have to think and behave as instructed? Those who have a strong connection to the Force should guide those who also wish to connect but only in a sense to help the learner discover their own path, not push them on a predetermined one to exploit their abilities in the name of a common good. This process removes the titles that incite superiority.

We are all beings of energy at an equal level. Equality is a very loose and overused term these days. People are standing up to demand equality but what they really desire is to be treated as more special. We simply can’t be special and equal at the same time. Everyone is the same being of energy connected to a universal energy with the same amount of matter. At a quantum level, what is the difference? That would be personality, choice, and perception. People are not smarter than others, they just learned more or are capable of learning faster. People not better than others, they just have a different skill set. We all have skills, we just don’t live in a society where it’s always easy to develop them because society is always telling us what we should be doing.

Jedi use their skills to bring balance and positive change to the world. Not as direct influences but as inspirations to live better. When we inspire ourselves to live a more wholesome existence, we will aspire others to do the same. We make these changes by the power of choice. Choice to do good or do harm, choice to create positive lifestyles. The Jedi understand the power of every choice has the ability to empower everything and everyone around us. We don’t have to force these changes, they just happen. People want to live better, most just don’t know how. Don’t make them learn, guide them when they ask.

We must understand the world is not necessarily broken and it’s not our place to just outright fix it by negotiating through another governing body. Besides, that governing body will never be accepted, justified, and integrated into society’s other governing bodies. We are at a certain level of progress in societal development, and we have much to learn and much to let go of to move forward. The change is already happening, we are becoming more awake. The awareness of these energies is more prevalent now than it has ever been and we are learning that becoming more attuned to it holds the solutions to so many problems. We only need to become more aware of our own intuitive system to be able to communicate with all the energetic data around us. This is the key to knowing what choices to make. To follow through the voice of intuition regardless of the direct effect on our ego.

Our intuition should guide us to truth. We do not lie. To lie is to hide a truth which causes negative effects on our emotions and our health. A hidden truth is a thing that always wants to come out – that is the truth. A lie is a wound that festers and infects every part of our being and corrupts our energy. Truth should be an underlying principle we live by, a code of conduct to define the positive, energetic beings we are.

As with the Jedi Code – Force, Knowledge, Self-Discipline; our code of conduct should include the following as New Jedi disciplines:

  • To live with integrity and truth and live by our values.
  • To practice kindness.
  • To be of service.
  • To aspire others.
  • Ask what is possible, do not give in to the impossible.

The takeaway here is to get humanity together as a whole where we no longer have need or desire for controlling councils of any kind to tell us how to live. When we are all connected, we love life by doing what it is we love doing. We do things that benefit others because it benefits the whole. We don’t need anyone to tell us what to do or how to do it, we just know because it is right. That is our purpose.

Bran Dagda.

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